Monday, December 9, 2019

Kinematics of complex movement through symbolic dynamics

Carlos Ramos
(Universidade de Évora)

Abstract: We introduce a deterministic discrete dynamical system used to classify and simulate complex motion, in two or three dimensions. The dynamical system is defined by a two-parameter family of bimodal interval maps which give the displacements through iteration. A trajectory is composed of patches of linear motions, through the plane or space, intertwined by changes of direction. The characterization of the movements is obtained from the topological classification of the interval map family. The used techniques arise from symbolic dynamics and topological Markov chains, developed by Sousa Ramos and his collaborators. The main classifying tool is the kneading invariant which consist on the symbolic itinerary of the critical points of the interval maps. We present part of a catalogue or dictionary of typical trajectories. For each kneading invariant we determine certain features such as topological entropy, average area covered, length distribution probability, among others.

Monday, December 9, 2019
Time: 14h00
Room: C6.2.33, Faculdade de Ciências, UL