Friday, April 27, 2012

Teaching of quantitative methods in Economics and Business Studies: The case of University of Alcalá

Luis F. Rivera Galicia
(Department of Statistics, Economic Structure and International Economic Organization, University of Alcalá (Spain))

Abstract: In recent years there has been an enormous revolution in Spanish Universities, due to the creation of the European Higher Education System (EHES). New degrees have been designed and a new methodology for teaching has been adopted since 2009. In the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Alcalá, we have developed four different studies (Bachelor’s Degrees) related with economics and business administration: Accounting and Finance, Business Administration and Management, Economics and Economics and International Business. Quantitative methods play a major role in economics and management nowadays. However, as it involves a new language of terms, symbols, logic, and application of mathematics, it can be difficult to understand for students. At University of Alcalá, we find it very hard to teach quantitative methods, since our students don’t have a good background in mathematics. Nevertheless, we are developing new methodologies and results are getting better year after year. In this session, I would like to expose how our way of teaching has changed, thus improving our students’ results. It is a good opportunity to exchange our experiences.

Friday, April 27, 2012
Time: 11h00
Room: Sala Delta, Edificio Quelhas, ISEG