José Manuel Corcuera (Universitat de Barcelona) The martingale method in a Lévy market. (9/11/06)
Manuel Ramalhete (ISEG) A programação linear no apoio às decisões operacionais na refinaçãode petróleos. (9/11/06)
Andrey Sarychev (University of Florence) Geometric methods for nonlinear controllability. (31/10/06)
Maarten Lindeboom (Free University of Amsterdam) Socio-economic status, macro economic conditions and Individual
mortality. (19/10/06)
Raquel Gaspar (ISEG) Forward price models and implied volatility term structures. (10/10/06)
Luis Martins (ISCTE) Modeling and testing dramatic shifts with infinite variance
processes. (25/9/06)
Pierre Perron (Boston University) An analytical evaluation of the log-periodogram estimate in the
presence of level shifts and its implications for stock returns
volatility. (5/9/06)
Herman J. Bierens (Pennsylvania State University) Semi-nonparametric interval-censored mixed proportional hazard
models. (22/5/06)
Silvia Gonçalves (Université de Montréal) Block bootstrap HAC robust tests: the sophistication of the naive
bootstrap. (15/5/06)
Stephen Pudney (ISER/University of Essex) Estimation of dynamic linear models in short panels with ordinal
observation. (2/5/06)
Dmitrii Silvestrov (Mdlardalen University) Optimal stopping strategies for american type options. (26/4/06)
Paulo Guimarães (Medical University of South Carolina) Dirichlet-multinomial regression. (18/4/06)
Mónica Costa Dias (Institute for Fiscal Studies) Evaluating dynamic treatment: The swedish active labour market
programmes. (7/4/06)
Miguel Martinez Panero (Universidad de Valladolid) On scoring rules in voting theory: a new proposal. (31/3/06)
Filomena Garcia (ISEG) Endogenous heterogeneity in strategic models. (29/3/06)
Paulo Brito (ISEG) The dynamics of growth and distribution in a spatially
heterogeneous world. (21/3/06)
Iliyan Georgiev (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Unit root tests in autoregressions with multiple level shifts. (13/3/06)
Walther Neuhaus (Gabler & Partners, Norway) Loss reserving in 3D. (9/3/06)
Andrew Harvey (University of Cambridge) Testing for trend. (6/3/06)
Peter Moffatt (University of East Anglia) Dealing with subject heterogeneity in economic experiments. (3/3/06)
Joana Pais (ISEG) Incentives in decentralized random matching markets. (22/2/06)
Mário Bessa (Universidade do Minho & CMUP) Expoentes de Lyapunov zero versus hiperbolicidade em fluxos
tridimensionais. (9/2/06)
André Monteiro (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Nonparametric estimation for non-homogeneous semi-Markov processes:
an application to credit risk. (31/1/06)
Ana Galvão (Banco de Portugal) Macroeconomic forecasting with mixed frequency data. (25/1/06)
15 Sessions in 2005
Mark Steel (University of Warwick) A constructive representation of univariate skewed distributions. (7/12/05)
Erich Battistin and Barbara Sianesi (University of Padova & IFS) Misreported schooling and returns to education: Evidence from the
UK. (25/11/05)
Stefan Sperlich (Universidad Carlos III Madrid) Comparison of separable components in different samples. (28/6/05)
Rui Paulo (University of Bristol) Processos gaussianos em inferência bayesiana. (24/6/05)
Filipe Moura (Service de Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay, France) Econofísica: poderá a Física contribuir para a Economia enquanto
ciência? (23/6/05)
Howard R. Waters (Heriot-Watt University) Optimal dynamic reinsurance. (8/6/05)
James MacKinnon (Queens) Applications of the fast double bootstrap. (6/6/05)
Fátima Fabião (ISEG) Delay differential equations and the Solow model. (31/5/05)
Adriaan Kalwij (Tilburg University) Unemployment durations of british males over the business cycle. (6/5/05)
Kostya Khanin (Heriot-Watt University) Random walks in random potentials. (13/4/05)
John Mullahy (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Evaluating interventions to improve health in heterogeneous
populations. (12/4/05)
Peter Schmidt (Michigan State University) Likelihood based estimation in a panel setting. (6/4/05)
Alfonso Miranda (University of Keele) Are young cohorts of women delaying first birth in Mexico? (9/3/05)
João Janela (ISEG) Navier-Stokes equations: a million dollar problem. (3/3/05)
Geert Dhaene (K.U.Leuven) Indirect and GMM-based inference for the stochastic volatility
model: Some closed-form results. (25/2/05)
12 Sessions in 2004
Kees Jan van Garderen (University of Amsterdam) Conditional inference in cointegrating vector autoregressive models. (6/12/04)
Winfried Pohlmeier (University of Konstanz) Causal effects of schooling: The case of the structured German
school system. (23/11/04)
Manuel Guerra (ISEG) Geometric control theory: some singular cases. (16/11/04)
Bjorn Sundt (Vital Forsikring ASA, Norway) From Panjer to De Pril: An example of unification. (26/10/04)
Stefan Boes (University of Zurich) Empirical Likelihood in Count Data Models: The Case of Endogenous
Regressors. (14/10/04)
Bradley Efron (Stanford University) Automatic model building and degrees of freedom. (4/10/04)
Esther Ruiz (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) Spurious and hidden volatility. (18/6/04)
Richard Smith (University of Warwick) Generalized empirical likelihood estimators and tests under
partial, weak and strong identification. (4/6/04)
Chiara Monfardini (Università di Bologna) Testing exogeneity in the bivariate probit model: a Monte Carlo
investigation with application to health economics. (25/5/04)
Emmanuel Flachaire (Université Paris I) More eficient tests robust to heteroskedasticity of unknown form. (14/5/04)
Charles F. Manski (Northwestern University) Statistical treatment rules for heterogeneous populations. (22/3/04)
Walther Neuhaus (Gabler Partners) Equalisation of the burden of regulatory restrictions. (19/3/04)
4 Sessions in 2003
Daniel Peña (Universidad Carlos III Madrid) The SAR procedure for finding heterogeneity and clusters in data. (21/11/03)
Thomas Mack (Munich Reinsurance Company) Exposure rating in liability reinsurance. (10/11/03)
Arnstein Aassve (University of Leicester) Modelling poverty transitions as the outcome of employment, family
union, and childbearing decisions in the United Kingdom. (22/9/03)
Andreas Heinen (CORE) Multivariate autoregressive modelling of time series counts using
Copula. (23/5/03)
4 Sessions in 2002
Uwe Hassler Nonsense correlation and biased estimation. (22/3/02)
Walther Neuhaus Alternative risk transfer. (19/3/02)
Andrew J. G. Cairns A multifactor, term-structure model for long-term risk management. (22/2/02)
Robert Taylor Tests of stationarity against a change in persistence. (30/1/02)
6 Sessions in 2001
José Garrido (Concordia University) Robust logistic regression for insurance risk classification. (7/12/01)
Paulo M.M. Rodrigues (Universidade do Algarve) On tests for double differencing: some extensions and the role of
initial values. (28/11/01)
Ann De Schepper (University of Antwerp) On the approximation of present value functions with stochastic
interest rates and stochastic volatility. (16/11/01)
Bronwyan H. Hall (University of Oxford) Testing for unit roots in panel data: an exploration using real and
simulated data. (23/4/01)
Hans Buhlmann Risk adjusted yield assets. (4/4/01)
Kevin Denny (University College Dublin) Approximate inference with measurement error contaminated survey
data. (12/3/01)
7 Sessions in 2000
Sevend Hylleberg Seasonality in economic models. (9/10/00)
Denise Osborn Interest rate effects in smooth transition models for UK output. (4/10/00)
Myoung-Jae Lee Ordered treatment effect on count response under self-selection. (29/9/00)
Philip Hans Franses Seasonality in Panels of Quarterly Time Series. (21/7/00)
David Dickson Some results for Erlang(2) risk model. (11/7/00)
Frank Windmeijer Criterion-based inference for GMM in linear dynamic panel data
models. (31/5/00)
Juan M. Rodriguez Póo Semiparametric three step estimation methods in labor supply models. (8/2/00)
4 Sessions in 1999
Maria Melkersson (University of Stockholm) The Returns to Childhood Dental Visits - Analyzing Count Data with Excess Zeros and Excess Ones. (13/12/99)
Marc Goovaerts (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Application of comonotone risks to problems of actuarial mathematics. (4/11/99)
João Nicolau (ISEG) Unit Root Test Based on the Range of Random Walk and Wiener Process. (19/10/99)
Andrew Chesher (UCL) Approximate inference with measurement error contaminated survey data. (8/9/99)