
Gianluca Ferrittu

1 Articles in international journals with referee

What Led to the Decline of Child Labour in the European Periphery? A Cointegration Approach with Long Historical Data
P. Goulart, N. Sobreira, G. Ferrittu and A. Bedi
Social Indicators Research, 1-37 (2024).

2 Books - editor

Global Labour in Distress, Volume I: Globalization, Technology and Labour Resilience
P. Goulart, R. Ramos and G. Ferrittu
Palgrave Readers in Economics, Palgrave Macmillan Cham (Springer) 1, (2022).

Global Labour in Distress, Volume II: Earnings, (In)decent Work and Institutions
P. Goulart, R. Ramos and G. Ferrittu
Palgrave Readers in Economics, Palgrave Macmillan Cham (Springer) 2, (2022).