Research projects

Project CEMAPRE internal

TitleChildren and dynamics of poverty and social exclusion
ParticipantsAmélia Bastos (Principal Investigator)
SummaryThis project investigates poverty and social exclusion dynamics. We examine recent trends in poverty
and social exclusion dynamics in Portugal to understand children's trajectories for poverty or
social exclusion. We also investigate if and how the presence of children in the household impacts
on individual poverty routes. By considering different socio-demographic and economic factors we
examine the association of these factors with poverty or social exclusion dynamics for individuals
living in households with and without, children. We apply Portuguese data sourced from European
Statistics on Income and Living Conditions. This information is useful for improving the design of
social policy in the area of the family, and for contributing to the setting of targets in order to
achieve the 2020-EU goals, such as the alleviation of poverty in general, and of child poverty in

Keywords: poverty or social exclusion dynamics, longitudinal typology, children, household, discrete
choice model, socio-demographic and economic factors

JEL Classification: I32, J13