First Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics and
Econometrics of Education


Over the past few years, economics of education has grown rapidly, becoming an extremely productive and exciting field of research. Several factors are behind this phenomenon. Firstly, the area is of paramount importance for the world at large, and in several countries the shortage of human capital has been recognized as a structural obstacle to higher income levels. Indeed, serious difficulties have been detected in a number of countries regarding the efficiency, quality, and equity of the educational systems. Secondly, education is a key topic in policy and in the academic debate, as policymakers are actively experimenting education-related policies, creating a great diversity of experiences. Thirdly, rapid rise in the quantity and quality of data available is allowing for new developments and different approaches.

The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for presenting and debating current cutting-edge research on the topics of economics and econometrics of education. We are putting together a very interesting program and an excellent group of participants, including some of the leading world researchers in the economics of education. In order to further stimulate research on this area, an international call for papers is being launched. The papers will be subject to normal refereeing process and, if accepted, will be presented in plenary sessions together with the guest speakers’ presentations. Moreover, a few presented papers are expected to be published at a specialized journal.

Guest Speakers

Topics of Interest

Authors are invited to submit papers in all areas of economics of education, but preferably with an emphasis on the following topics:

Papers should be sent to before October 15, 2010


Luís Cabral (New York University), Nuno Crato (Universidade de Lisboa), Sara Moreira (Banco de Portugal), Margarida Rodrigues (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Miguel St. Aubyn (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)