Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Making Solvency II Work

Caspar Richter
(SolvencyTool ApS, Denmark)

Abstract: Solvency II was introduced in Europe a bit over a year ago. Despite of several quantitative impact studies and a preparatory phase in 2015, many insurance companies (life and non-life) as well as captives have faced a challenging implementation process. The implementation issues ranges from details on how to estimate technical provisions under Solvency II to tricky reverse stress tests. Undertakings now must focus on the Solvency and Financial Condition Report as well as the Regulatory Supervisory Report and the annual QRTs. The presentation will focus on some of the potential issues and give practical examples on how they could potentially be solved. 1) An approach on how to create the narrative reporting (SFCR and RSR) 2) Technical provision - potential new features to look into 3) Look-through and the need for automation 4) Reverse stress tests and sensitivity analysis: Tying it all together

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Time: 18h00
Room: Sala Delta, Edificio Quelhas, ISEG