
Leonor S Pinto

9 Articles in international journals with referee

Arc Routing for Parking Enforcement Officers: exact and heuristic solutions
R. Ferreira, V. Móra, M. C. Mourão, M. Moz, L. S. Pinto and J. Ribeiro
European Journal of Operational Research, to appear (2022).

Arc routing with trip-balancing and attractiveness measures — A waste collection case study
J. Janela, L. S. Pinto and M. Mourão
Computers and Operations Research 147, (2022).

An updated annotated bibliography on arc routing problems
M. Mourão and L. S. Pinto
Networks 70, 144-194 (2017).

Dissimilar Arc Routing Problems
M. Constantino, M. Mourão and L. S. Pinto
Networks 70, 233-245 (2017).

Profitable mixed capacitated arc routing and related problems
E. Benavent, A. Corberán, L. Gouveia, C. Mourão and L. S. Pinto
TOP 23, 244-274 (2014).

Lower bounds for the mixed capacitated arc routing problem
L. Gouveia, M. C. Mourão and L. S. Pinto
Computers and Operations Research 37, 692-699 (2010).

Species specific connectivity in reserve-network design using graphs
J. Orestes Cerdeira, L. S. Pinto, M. Cabeza and K. J. Gaston
Biological Conservation 143, 408-415 (2010).

Connectivity in priority area selection for conservation
J. Orestes Cerdeira, K. J. Gaston and L. S. Pinto
Environmental Modeling and Assessment 10, 183-192 (2005).

Requiring connectivity in the set covering problem
J. Orestes Cerdeira and L. S. Pinto
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 9, 35-47 (2005).

1 Books - author

Investigação Operacional: Exercícios e Aplicações
C. Mourão, J. Valente, O. Simões, M. Vaz Pato and L. S. Pinto
Verlag Dashöfer, Lisboa, (2011).

1 Chapters in international books with referee

Routing in waste collection
G. Ghiani, M. C. Mourão, L. S. Pinto and D. Vigo
in Arc Routing: Problems, Methods and Applications (Ángel Corberán, Gilbert Laporte), SIAM-Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Chapter 15, (2014).