Research projects

Project Externally funded

TitleBiodiversity Conservation, Global Change and Uncertainties: Reconciling Biodiversity Persistence and Human Development upon Dynamic Environments
ParticipantsDiogo Alagador, Miguel Araújo, Raúl Brás, Jorge O Cerdeira (Principal Investigator), Natália Melo, Dora Neto, Hugh Possingham, Niels Strange
SummaryBiodiversity conservation is a crisis discipline: it urges to find measures to reverse the effects
of intense threats acting over biodiversity; it conflicts with dominant and competing socioeconomic
activities; and it typically runs under tight budgets. Additionally, ecological and socioeconomic
environments are tailored by dynamic processes turning analysis and decisions on conservation
actions very complex. RECONCILE aims at addressing major and actual conservation problems with the
ultimate goal of ensuring long-term persistence of species reconciling conservation and
socioeconomy. To this end RECONCILE gathers experts from different areas such as ecology,
conservation, mathematics, econometrics, computer and communication sciences. The ultimate goal is
to provide conceptually-sound and efficient decision support-tools (ie. software) to assist
optimized, long-term area prioritization in three wide-range foremost problems under the Convention
on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services (IPBES).